Global Chemical Supplier & Distributor.

Your bridge to global bonds in chemistry.

Top-ranked international supplier & distributor of chemicals, solvents & intermediates worldwide

Strengthen Your Supply Chain

The largest international supplier & distributor of chemicals, composites, and plastics.

Security of Supply chain defines the USORK's global strategy to ensure safety, accountability, and honest, and long term organic growth.

Throughout 2018, The Chemical Company proudly promoted our Security of Supply campaign. In a year-long series of advertising campaigns with ICIS, we focused on the big picture, having our ad placements tie in to one another, bringing together the advertisements seen above in the same way we focus on the big picture in managing and ensuring supply for our long-term customers and business partners. Contact us today to learn more about our commitment to Security of Supply, we look forward to speaking with you.


About USORK's Love Chemistry Campaign .

Beginning in 2016, The USORK's team has set out on a mission to bring back a love of chemistry to our business relationships and to our communities. This became known as the Love Chemistry campaign. To promote our love of chemistry throughout the upcoming years, USORK will be:

  • Donating
  • Running
  • Volunteering
  • Hosting Events
  • & more!

The USORK Company has used major magazine placements as an opportunity to promote the Love Chemistry campaign. These full page placements enable subtle messaging of the efforts the TCC team is taking to interact and improve the local community and their understanding of the chemical industry.



Check our Products

We partner with manufacturers both domestically and internationally to provide cost-effective alternatives focusing on the needs of businesses of all sizes.



Flame Retardants






Water Treatment


Fertilizer/Crop Nutrition

Polymer Additives

The View From Jamestown

A monthly podcast featuring The Chemical Company’s View from Jamestown content, from the eyes of TCC President Robb Roach, GM of Sales AJ Petrarca, LatAm Operations Manager Javier Ferndandez, Marketing Manager Ben Sawicki, and more.


Check our Recent Videos

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Distinguished Distributor Awards

USORK has been recognized as a Distinguished Distributor by several companies including Evonik, a world leading specialty chemical company and Arkema, an international diversified chemicals manufacturer.

National Association of Chemical Distributors

Receiving the NACD certification is described as distributors meeting a "gold standard" for quality, integrity, and leadership in the product stewardship arena. TCC has been recognized for regularly enacting programs to improve safety and reduce incidents.

ISO 14001

USORK is proud to be ISO 14001 Certified as of June 2018. View TCC's regulatory page, or click the icon above to view our certifications and read more.


Contact Us


44 Southwest Avenue Jamestown RI 02835 United States


(401) 360-2800

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